Saturday, May 18, 2019

Remember Me: Project 22

Fidget quilts, activity blankets and sensory mats are designed to help people with Alzheimer's, dementia, autism, and other cognitive challenges such as those who have had a stroke or illness. They help keep fingers busy and minds focused. They can be soothing or exhilarating just by the touch of the material or the items attached. They might help someone remember how to tie a bow, close a button or buckle a belt. 

For this project we are partnering with Artisan Mind, a non-profit *that seeks to create a world where a diagnosis does not define a person, but instead provides a path for unconditional acceptance, opportunity and hope. **Artisan Mind is an organization that connects art, creativity and cultural institutions to people living with Alzheimer's disease and their care partners. Their purpose is to bring happiness and social connection to individuals living with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia by engaging their creative abilities.

Artisan Mind is in partnership with Sage Eldercare Solutions, more specifically a program called, The Hummingbird Project.***

Many legends hold that hummingbirds possess magical qualities. It is believed that hummingbirds hover timelessly, bringing hope and harmony to all who see them. Just as the hummingbird passes from flower to flower drinking nectar, we too must relish the sweetness that life brings day to day.

The hummingbird’s elegance reflects the splendor that is everywhere in everything and in everyone. We must recognize this brilliance of daily life and open ourselves to all of life’s gifts, while also embracing our own sense of self.

The Hummingbird Therapeutic Activity Program seeks to bring happiness and delight to our clients by ensuring a fullness of life. It is our hope that clients will not only recognize the beauty in the world around them, but also the beauty within themselves.
Artisan Mind, The Hummingbird Project and Craft 4 Change will be collecting and delivering YOUR handmade blankets/quilts/mats to seniors living in the Eskaton Memory Care unit, in Carmichael, California.
So, let's get started (if you haven't already!). Ideas and patterns can be found in our earlier post, NO JOKE. 

Local people...if you need fabric, buttons, ribbons, etc. please send me an email or message on Facebook and I will hook you up!
DEADLINE:  August 20th

* Artisan Mind Brochure
** Artisan Mind Website
*** Hummingbird Project Website