Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Warm hats, warm hearts

A whole lot of love!

Hello life changers! Guess what?  YOU did it...again! We put out the call for hats, scarves and gloves for our homeless friends living in Sacramento,  and YOU generously provided:

149 Scarves
23 Hats
7 pairs of gloves

Warm gloves

Beautiful hats

Everything was delivered to Let Hope Arise, a local non-profit that assists homeless men and women in and around the deepest hiding places of Sacramento. They are following God's call to seek out those living on and around the levees of our rivers, parks and streets. I love this family so much and admire everything they do, without question or hesitation.

The (beautiful) Smith family

A little fun in a pile of love!

This beautiful woman is all smiles after receiving her scarf and hat. 

This last picture is worth a 1000 words...that is what Craft 4 Change is all about.

We will be taking a break for the Christmas season, but look for another project in the Spring.

Thank you once again for helping those less fortunate than yourselves...my heart is full. I love you all! 
~~ Robyne ~~

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Winter Warmth : Project 21

Hello life changers!

This year got away from me, so this is our ONLY project for the year. It is always my favorite, besides its the perfect way to end the year. Are you ready?  (I'm pretty sure you already know!)

Scarves and Hats for our homeless friends!

This year we are partnering with a new non-profit called, "Let Hope Arise". This amazing group of people go into the deepest places in the Sacramento homeless camps and intentionally seek out and minister to the people living there. They have put their faith in God above everything else and started this non-profit after some personal challenges and changes to their lives.  They didn't know exactly what that looked like, but with God's direction they have created this amazing organization. They not only provide food, water, toiletries, supplies and such, they provide spiritual support and help connect them with social services.

I love these friends and all that they do, and I am honored to be partnering Craft 4 Change with them.

So, let's get started!  Crochet, knitted, sewn, and no-sew fleece scarves and hats are what we are looking for. If you don't do any of this...you can still help by providing us with gloves and socks (adult sizes) to include.

Deadline:  COMPLETED

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Best Part

I love what I do!  Because of YOU I get to spread love and hope to those in need. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity and generosity of our projects and this time is no different.  I asked (rather late, I might add) and YOU came through again.  Two ministries were blessed with your gifts. Mercy Pedalers and Father's Heart, both are street ministries that reach out to our homeless friends in the Sacramento area. Ready for the totals?

Scarves: 241
Hats: 52
Gloves: 17

Included in that bundle of love were 3 blankets and several hat/scarf and scarf/glove sets! There were  several kids hats and scarves so we shared them with The Mustard Seed School, (part of Loaves and Fishes) an elementary school for homeless kids.


My friend Sherril Hogue from The Fathers Heart

Robyne and Sister Libby

Coffee & supplies trailer

Inside view!

I am always blown away by your support for those organizations and causes that are near and dear to my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We will take a little break and have a new project in a few months.  In the meantime, please continue to follow us on Facebook, as I will keep you updated on other things.

