Thursday, July 21, 2011


We here at Craft 4 Change sure do LOVE our faithful, head on over to Facebook and search for us.  Then, be sure to "Like Us".

We will be delivering the cooling scarves and notes to Blue Star Moms on Saturday, July 30th. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thanks for your service!

This is what 95 scarves and 26 thank-you notes looks like!

As we thank our soldiers for their service...we also thank YOU for your service.  Craft 4 Change has done it again!  YOU created 95 cooling scarves and 26 notes were written by children.  What a wonderful way to teach our kids how to give back.  We have great crafters and great moms as well!

These items will be delivered to the Sacramento Blue Star Moms at the end of the month, during their next meeting.  We hope to be able to take some pictures of that event. 

Since the Blue Star Moms will be keeping our blog listed on their website, we have decided to extend the deadline, in case we have new crafters join us for this project.  Project completed.

Thank you notes written by children!

We will be taking a break for the summer to give everyone a chance to take a vacation, spend time with loved ones or just "hang out". 

Check back with us late August to see the next project.  Have a great summer!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

We thought it be fitting to wish everyone a safe and fun 4th of July celebration as "Scarves for Soldiers" wraps up.
As soon as we have a final count we will be posting along with pictures.  Thank you all.