Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Wrap them in LOVE" -- Project 1

With cooler weather just around the corner, it seems fitting to make our first project warm scarves.  The women and children of St. John's Shelter in Sacramento will benefit from your works of love. 

St. John's Shelter provides a safe place for these families to stay until they can get back on their own.  Most people never thought that they would be homeless or staying in a shelter.  The uncertainty of ones future can be a little scary at times and we want to let them know that we care.  Sometimes, just a warm gesture will put a smile back on a face. 

Scarves can be knit, crochet, sewn or cut from fleece (no sewing needed!)  Add fringe, trims, beads, etc.  Get your creative juices flowing...the possibilities are endless!  Please remember, these are for women AND children (boys too!).

Deadline for this project is November 20th.  December 1st  COMPLETED.

When you are finished with your scarves, please email us and we will make arrangements to collect them.  We are still setting up a permanent mailing address.


  1. Count me in! I will be working on fleece and crocheted items for "Wrap Them in Love." I appreciate that Project 1 is so timely. --Roberta

  2. Sounds like fun and a good thinh to do!

  3. Like your idea and blog site. Will be happy to contribute when I can.

  4. Hey Sis,

    What you have started is wonderful, I would be honored to help with this great project.

    your, sis Shellie

  5. Thank you ladies! I know that the women and children of St. John's Shelter will love what you create for them. If you can, email pictures to us so we can share them with those participating.

  6. So happy and proud of you Robyne! What a blessing this will be for so many. You are truly doing God's work!!!! I feel so priviledged to help the cause : )
    Love you!


We appreciate your comments, as we read every single one. If you have any questions regarding our projects, please leave a comment or send us an email at: