Monday, May 30, 2011

"Scarves for Soldiers" -- Project 4

Craft 4 Change and Sacramento Blue Star Moms are teaming up for our next project by sending care packages to our deployed soldiers.  They (SBSM) collect items year round to send. Some of items included are:  candy, gum, powered drink mixes, beef jerky and personal hygiene items.  You can see the complete list on their website.

How can we help?  By making cooling neck and/or sand scarves to be added to the packages.  How do we do this?  Easy!  Here are some instructions for the cooling scarves and here are the ones for the sand scarves. 

So, you don't sew?  Still want to help?  You can purchase the fabric/cooling granules and find a friend who sews!  Get together and have fun! 

Still not sure? is an easy-peasy way to get you and your kids involved.  Make cards or write short notes to be included with the care package.  One thing for sure, the packages ALWAYS include a note/card from home.  See how easy this can be? 

How fitting that this project starts on May 30th (Memorial Day) and ends on July 4th!  COMPLETED.

So, let's get started and show our troops some love!

When you are finished, contact us and we will provide you the information on where to send your items.

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