Like our "Humble Beginnings" page states, I had been surfing the web one day looking for some sort of charity or group that I could help with, by providing handcrafted items. I don't even know how I came across it, but did find a group called, Craft Hope, that did just that. They select a charity and a project and put it on their blog. Just like that, people from all over the world would create beautiful items and send them to Craft Hope to deliver! It was amazing! They would receive hundreds and thousands of items. I participated in a few of the projects, loved it, but wanted more. (They selected charities from all over the country and the world, but I really wanted to do something a bit more local.)
So, I came up with a similar format and customized it for the Sacramento, California area. I worked on the name, logo, projects, blog, etc. I started the blog (only I could see it)...and waited. And, waited and waited. I was all ready, but afraid to put myself out there. Would anyone read it? Would anyone actually participate? Would the agencies that I contacted want our help? I was a nervous wreck!
What actually prompted me to "just do it"? Well, the church I attend was doing the study, "One Month to Live", Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life, by Kerry & Chris Shook. It was going along just fine and dandy, when on day 27, the title was: Starfish - Making a World of Difference. The story goes like this: ~~ Power of One ~~
A businessman visiting a resort community left his hotel early one morning to take a walk. When he reached the shoreline, he came upon a stunning sight: countless starfish had washed up on the beach during the night in a high tide. They were still moving, still alive, clambering all over one another, trying to get back into the ocean. He knew it wouldn't be long until the tropical sun would bake the poor creatures trapped there on the sand. He wished he could do something, but there were thousands of them, as far as his eye could see, and there was no way he could make a dent in saving them.
So he went on his way. Walking farther down the beach, he came upon a little boy who leaned over, scooped up a starfish, and flung it like a Frisbee into the ocean. He repeated the process over and over again, picking up speed, obviously trying to save as many as possible.
Once the man realized what the little boy was doing, he felt it was his responsibility to help the boy by informing him of a harsh life lesson. He walked up to the child and said, "Son, let me tell you. What you're doing here is noble, but you can't save all these starfish. There are thousands of them. The sun's getting really hot, and they're all going to die. You might as well just go on your way and play. You really can't make a difference here."
The little boy didn't say anything at first; he just stared at the businessman. Then he stooped down and picked up another starfish, flung it out into the ocean as far as he could, and said, "Well, I just made all the difference for that one."
That was it! I couldn't help everyone, but I could help at least one person. So what if no one read my blog? So what if I was the only one who made things? So what? I took that HUGE leap and launched the blog and project on October 13, 2010. I printed out flyer's and hung them in our local craft stores, the library and anywhere else that people would let me. I sent emails to all of my family, friends, bible study ladies and waited. Wow! Was I surprised at how generous everyone was! The first project produced over 90 scarves! It was amazing...ask, and they will help. Tears of joy and I was humbled beyond words.
We are ending 2012 with a bang! Blankets, bags, scarves, hats, and other items have been delivered to those in need, thanks to YOU. People from all over California and even a few from other states have participated in our projects. I am truly humbled by your kind hearts, encouraging words, support and generosity. I have "met" the most wonderful people through this blog or on Facebook. I love each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart.
As we move into 2013, look for some new things for Craft 4 Change. You have encouraged and inspired me to push even further to make a difference, one life at a time.
~~ Robyne~~
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ReplyDeleteWhat an inspiration this is, and how amazing to see what a difference one committed person can make in the world, in so many ways! I hope this continues to grow and grow!
ReplyDeleteKaren, thank you so much for your kind and inspiring words...that is what keeps us moving on! Blessings ~~ Robyne