Sunday, May 26, 2013

Project 11: "Don't 'Cover up' "

Hi everyone! 
I am SO excited to join the group and help Robyne expand her generosity through Craft 4 Change.  To donate now not only in one county but TWO is just amazing! Would you like to hear about the first project for San Joaquin Valley? This is Project 11 or project 1"1" as I like to call it, because it is the first project for me in this county. I can't wait!

When I had my son over three years ago, I was a new mom.  I had worked with children for over 20 years but when you have your very own, 24/7, it is a whole new experience. It is exciting, scary, emotional, precious, I could go on and on. Of course, every new parent wants to do what is best for their child. I had always heard "breastfeeding is best" but I do know that not everyone feels that way. After having my son, while I had started out believing that this statement was true, I had started to have some doubts. "Breastfeeding is best" I would tell myself but it was not as easy as everyone made it sound.

Did you know, that according to the World Health Organization, that less than 40% of infants under six months of age are breastfed?  I didn't. 

Some facts:
      " * Breast milk is the ideal food for newborns and infants.  It gives infants all the nutrients they need for healthy development. 
       * Breast milk is safe and contains antibodies that help protect infants from common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea and pneumonia, the two causes of child mortality worldwide.
       * Breast milk is readily available and affordable.
       * It reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer later in life.
       * It helps women return to their pre-pregnancy weight faster, and lowers the rate of obesity.
       * Adults who were breastfed as babies often have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol as well as lower rates of overweight, obesity and type -2 diabetes. "

However, even knowing this information, for some new moms, it is not as easy as sitting down, getting started and having things turn out perfect.  Support for new mothers in the hospital AND after their hospital stay is what really helps a struggling mother either feel empowered or defeated. Health facilities that support breastfeeding through trained lactation consultants and peer counselors are wonderful places where a frustrated or discouraged mother can turn for help.
That being said, I wanted to help out the facility that I turned to when I needed help.  Located in Stockton, Delta Health Care ( is a wonderful facility that provides this support to breastfeeding mothers. There are many incentives and types of encouragement for mothers to continue to breastfeed for as long as possible. The low stress atmosphere creates a comforting place where new moms can talk about their concerns.The staff here is warm and friendly and provide helpful advice to establish and strengthen that wonderful bond between mother and infant. So, what are we doing then?

We are going to be making nursing covers and car seat covers for the different incentives and giveaway activities they provide for the nursing mothers.  This is just one of the many ways to support and encourage mothers to come in for advice and to share their experiences with others, so that all mothers can benefit from this facility for help.

Below are a few pattern or ideas to help you get started.

Car Seat Covers:

This tutorial shows how to make a cover with pre-existing supplies,check it out if you are short on time but want to help or not that comfortable with sewing.

Nursing Covers:

I would like to kick off this project ASAP so how about.... today! As for a completion date, I was thinking maybe the first weekend in July if that works for everyone.

Deadline is July 7th!  July 31st COMPLETED

Thanks in advance for participating in this project, I hope you guys are as excited as I am to get started!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Craft 4 Change is moving...forward!

First things, first.   I want to thank all of YOU who have been so loyal to our cause of making a difference..."one life at a time".  We couldn't do what we do without your support and participation.  Some of you craft, while others provide supplies or help spread the word to other crafty people.   Every little bit helps and I don't take anything for granted. 

So, when one of my good friends and loyal participants made a suggestion for Craft 4 Change, I jumped at it!  Ready?

As you know, Craft 4 Change currently provides handcrafted items for local charities in and around the Sacramento Region...until now!  We are expanding to include the San Joaquin Valley Region of California!  It will include the towns of Stockton, Lodi, Manteca and others in and around the Central Valley.  So, that means we will be able to help more people in other parts of the state.  But, I won't be able to do both areas by, I want to introduce you to my friend, Erika. 

She will be the coordinator for the San Joaquin Valley Region and I will continue as the coordinator for the Sacramento Region.  What this means, is that each of us will be in charge of selecting the charity and project, writing the blog post, collecting, counting, photographing and delivering (the best part!) the items for our respective projects. 

Here is a little something from Erika: 

 "Hi everyone! I cannot tell you how excited I am to begin working with Robyne on Craft 4 Change.  Robyne and I have known each other for many years. I have enjoyed crafting and making things so much that I practically begged her to let me start a group and have a Craft 4 Change in San Joaquin County.

My first project for Robyne was very dear to my heart, the baby blankets for "Welcome Little One".  I promise I will tell you guys all about it soon, it was and still is very emotional to me.

But I am getting ahead of myself, let me start by telling you about me.  My name is Erika and I am married with two beautiful children.  My son Ethan is 3.5 years and my daughter Samantha is 3 months.  I run a family day care out of my home so that I can stay at home with my children while they are still young. When I am not running the day care I am trying to get my crafting business off the ground.  My wonderful husband lets me craft in all my "free time" and he puts up with my addiction to anything crafty!  I have been making things for as long as I can remember, at least since I was in high school but probably even longer. I can honestly say that crafting is my addiction, but I am proud if it. I love to share what I have learned with others and enjoying hearing what others have done.

The best part of crafting is sharing with others and what better place to do that than with Craft 4 Change.  I look forward to meeting all of you and crafting together!  A big thanks to Robyne for starting her organization and letting me expand it!! Wooo-hooo!! Let's get crafting!"

  I am going to love working with her, as she is so talented and has so much energy!  We are still working out the details, but it looks like we will alternate our projects, working on one region and then the other.  I hope you will continue to participate and help out both regions and help us help others.

We are still on a little project break, but stay tuned to our Facebook page and we'll let you know as soon as we begin a new one!