Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"Giving Tuesday" : Week 7

As we continue to move forward with our latest project for abused children, are hearts are heavy for those mothers who have lost their children before they were even born or shortly thereafter.  We can't even imagine what these families are going through.  But, there is one group of dedicated people who are trying to help the pain a little, by providing (at no cost) heart shaped pillows, filled with pellets the exact weight of the child.  This week we want to feature:

A Heart to Hold

What started with one family's loss has turned into an amazing group of people who are giving back in such a way that it melts our hearts.  They are located in the Sacramento area and are always looking for volunteers to sew, fill and ship these hearts.  But, their main need right now, is funds.  Funds to continue to ship these weighted hearts.  Each heart shipment costs the organization about $25 and they have very little fundraising right now.

So, please check out their page HERE.  Also, on our Facebook page you will see them listed under our LIKES...pay them a visit! 

Oh, and this just might be a future project for us! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Giving Tuesday: Week 6

Did you know that there are 680 (2008 records) "homeless" children in the Folsom-Cordova School System? Actually, now there are 783. 

What does "homeless" mean?  It means "an individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate residence".  These students are living in unstable places like motels, in homes without a parent or legal guardian, in homes without power or water, in RV's in parking lots, in cars, tents, the streets and more.

There is a grassroots group of people who are helping:

Project 680

They are a group of concerned citizens, who in 2008 found out that there were 680 "homeless" students in this school district.  Hence, the name Project 680.

They have had several sock and hoodie drives to give these children a little warmth in the winter...read all about them on their web site:  Project 680. 

If you feel compelled to help...you can contact them directly. 

Thanks to these wonderful folks at Project 680 for making the life of a homeless student, a little better. 

Hmmm...maybe a future project for Craft 4 Change!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Giving Tuesday: Week 5

It's Tuesday..."Giving Tuesday" to be exact!  So, what do:  smiling at 10 strangers, holding the door for someone, mentoring an at-risk child or teen, letting someone go ahead of you in line and paying for the person behind you in a fast-food line, have in common?  They are all "Random Acts of Kindness".  And, since February 11-17th is "National Random Acts of Kindness Week",

We give you:

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

as this week's honoree in our "Giving Tuesday" feature!  Did you know that they actually have a website and a Facebook page?  Yep...check them out HERE.  They have all sorts of ideas for you to make a difference in some one's life, no matter how small.  And, since we at Craft 4 Change are all about making a difference, we kinda' LIKE  LOVE THEM! 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Project 10: UPDATE!

Hey all Craft 4 Changers...just wanted to remind you that if you are planning on sewing the bean bags or backpack-style drawstring bags to check with us first about fabric!  Remember, we just had a HUGE donation of fabric!  Send us an email or message on our Facebook page!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Giving Tuesday: Week 4

Last week on our Facebook page, we asked the question, "besides crafting for Craft 4 Change, in what ways do you give back?"...no reply.  Bummer. 

THIS week...we are featuring another young person that we think is doing an awesome job of giving back.  Let us introduce:

Justine Wood

of Modesto, California.  Oh, and she is only ten years old!  She was looking for ways to volunteer for a school project, when she contacted the Society for Handicapped Children and Adults.  She helped out with a bowling event but wanted to do more.  Then, she heard about the Special Needs Ball.  So, she set out to collect 30 or so prom-type dresses for this fancy event (and boys suits too)...collecting over 45 and counting!  Now, she is trying to raise money to help fund this very special event and we have no doubt that she will do just that. 

You can read all about it in the Modesto Bee's article on her service to others.  And, if you feel like helping her out, you can contact the SFHCAA's Facebook page.

Great job Justine!